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Wildlife Economy

The NDP 2030 vision is to create and foster a thriving, inclusive Wildlife Economy for the benefit of all South Africans.

The Wildlife Economy is envisaged to grow at 10% per annum. This positive economic growth will serve as a foundation for social wellbeing, maintenance of the ecological infrastructure and a tool for conservation.

South Africa has a rich internationally renowned wildlife biodiversity that plays a vital role in transformation.

The wildlife economy plays a vital role in transformation and is underpinned by ambitious targets.

  • 30% of wildlife businesses PDI  (Previously Disadvantaged Individuals) owned
  • PDI ownership of >5 million Ha, and access to another >5 million Ha
  • 4,000 PDI owned SMMEs supported to engage in the wildlife economy
  • 5 million hectares of non-protected areas contributing towards conservation target (AICHI)
  • 3.5% animal population net growth p.a

Wildlife Economy Unique Value Chain

The Wildlife Economy value chain is centred on game and wildlife farming or ranching activities that relate to the stocking, trading, breeding, and hunting of game, and all the services and goods required to support this value chain..


One of the major contributors to wildlife tourism and the South African economy is wildlife ranching. Defined as the consumptive use of wildlife that is found in their natural habitat or under farmed conditions.

The NDP 2030 vision is to create or foster a thriving, inclusive wildlife economy for the benefit of all South Africans. Wildlife economy is envisaged to grow at 10% per annum. This positive economic growth will serve as a foundation for social wellbeing and maintenance of the ecological infrastructure.

Game Meat

  • Game farmers can generate income from the sale of venison, wildlife products and live game
  • Estimated size of the wildlife product market exceeded R580 million in 2013
  • Taxidermy and tannery services to domestic and international hunters are estimated at R580 million per year. Estimated sales of hides, leather and other wildlife products are therefore expected to exceed this value
  • Domestic hunting market was approximately R6.4 billion in 2013


  • Recent estimates show the economic contribution of the sector estimated at R14.4 billion
  • Direct creation of 65 000 jobs