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Selwane Nature Reserve

Submitted by mahesh_admin on July 14, 2023


Selwane is proposing to build a conference centre to promote community-based tourism and increase visitor traffic The site is looking to add over 2000 ha in additional farmland, which would be used to develop a conservancy for rhinos and other game. The Reserve intends to purchase game stock to promote the wildlife safari and hunting business to potential clients/tourists. Introducing cattle ranching is a strategic priority for the site.

Investment Range / ROI

R20 Million - R50 Million
ROI - 15% pa

Public or Private Sector

This is a Private Sector Opportunity

Investment Readiness

Environment & Social Impact

• Ecotourism Development
• Job Creation
• Skills Development
• SMME Development
• Expansion of Protected Areas 


Investment Opportunity Assessment


Land Ownership and Governance

Land Ownership

Fully Restituted land with title deeds
The land is owned by the Selwane Communal Property Association.


Governance Structure

Community Property Association
Joint Venture Partnership

The Joint Venture partnership between the CPA and SIABIX forms Selwane Game Reserve.
The Joint Venture company is 51% CPA-owned and the investor owns 49%.  The business is under Board management.

Land Size

8400 Hectares



Investment Opportunity Assessment

Wildlife Economy


Core Operations

  • Ranching and related value chain
  • Hunting and hunting value chain
  • Safari and ecotourism value chain
  • Game meat value chain



Trophy hunting is a major business activity attracting high-end international and local hunters.
The game farm offers a wide range of wildlife species.
Game meat including processing, packaging and distribution to domestic and export markets.




Core Operations

  • Accommodation
  • Ecotourism activities
  • Cultural and traditional activities




Magwena River Lodge is a luxury lodge with 16 beds, camping and catering services.


Investment Opportunities


  • Construct and develop a multi-purpose traditional conference centre and an Ecotourism activity hub with supporting facilities
  • Bush encroachment eradication
  • Expand and upgrading Magwena River Lodge to 32 beds
  • Expand wildlife ranching and hunting by increasing game stocks
  • Build Infrastructure ventures focused on fire protection, anti-poaching and invasive alien plant eradication  
  • Local training, skills development and capacity building


Investment Requirements


Investment Range Required
R20 million - R50 million

Type of Investment Required
Capital Expenditure
Infrastructure Funding
Working Capital

Funding Type for Financial Requirements
Equity, Debt, Grant

Non-Financial Requirements
Technical services
Capacity building

Value Proposition and Enablers


Value Proposition

  • The site enjoys Biodiversity Stewardship status
  • Community-owned land with no legal disputes     
  • The site is located close to the Kruger National Park
  • The sheer vastness of rich and secure farmland endowed with rich natural resources    
  • The Joint Venture partner is a strong investor with demonstrated capacity to inject capital
  • The Joint Venture has successfully established a high-quality accommodation facility
  • The surrounding mines are a captive market for the accommodation
  • Game meat processing potential given the growing game inventory and ongoing breeding plans
  • Growing customer base within 'package tourism' network


Key  Enablers

  • Building a robust website for Magwena River Lodge will strengthen its digital visibility, and enhance the site’s ability to share the powerful stories from the Selwane community, and attract business
  • Constructing a multi-purpose Traditional Conference Centre with the capacity to host public sector and private events, workshops and conferences to leverage the accommodation facilities offered by the existing lodge
  • Expand and upgrade Magwena River Lodge to 32 beds
  • Build Infrastructure to support site development objectives, including fencing, electrification, access-road upgrades, staff accommodation, solar power and water reticulation

Business Operations


Wildlife Economy

Primary Customers


High-end international & middle range hunters & tourists for the existing Magwena River Lodge.

Active Business Entities


The Joint Venture partnership between the CPA and SIABIX forms Joint Venture company Selwane Nature Reserve and drives the business under the leadership of a Board. The nine-member CPA Board controls the majority of seats on the Board and the Management team.

About this Opportunity


Selwane Game Reserve comprises 4 100 ha of land and Magwena River Lodge are located in close proximity to the popular Kruger National Park.

Selwane is a critical Biodiversity Conservation Area with vast wildlife and a temperate savanna climate with unique bird and plant life.

The Restitution of Land Rights Act which was promulgated in 1994 activated the first land claim which was lodged by the Selwane tribe during 1996 and the farms Kondowe 36 and Waterbok were successfully transferred and are now being administered by the Selwane Communal Property Association. Kondowe is currently a game farm development and Waterbok is a community irrigation development project.

After reclaiming the land, the community decided to venture into eco-tourism and approached various stakeholders to assist as the community did not have the finances and knowledge to drive it.

The community partnered with SIABIX, a private investment company with various interests in the abattoir and meat industry to develop and operate Selwane Nature Reserve and Magwena River Lodge, based on a shareholders’ agreement in terms of which the strategic partner holds 49% and the CPA owns the balance. Three of the CPA members are directors in the operating company.

In the future Selwane aims to:

  • Add a conference centre to host corporate events.
  • Add over 2000 ha in additional farms. This additional land would be used to develop a conservancy for rhinos and other game.
  • Introduce cattle ranching as a strategic priority for the site.
  • To purchase additional game to increase the attractiveness to potential tourists. The target is to acquire: 15 Buffalo, 13 Zebra, 50 Impala, 28 Springboks and 25 Elands. Elephants will not be pursued due to a lack of land.



Tshivhula Game Farm

Submitted by mahesh_admin on July 12, 2023


To build and develop a cultural village with complementary community business enterprises including training and accrediting villagers under the Homestay business programme.

Investment Range / ROI

R20 Million - R50 Million
ROI - 15% pa

Public or Private Sector

This is a Private Sector Opportunity

Investment Readiness

Environment & Social Impact

• Ecotourism Development
• Job Creation
• Skills Development
• SMME Development
• Socio-economic Development
• Expansion of Protected Areas
• Net Biodiversity Gains 


Investment Opportunity at a Glance


Land Ownership and Governance

Land Ownership

Fully Restituted land with title deeds
A successful land restitution process has resulted in the legal transfer of 14,200 hectares of land to the TSHIVHULA Communal Property Association, with fully registered Title Deeds.


Governance Structure

Community Property Association
Joint Venture partnership between the CPA and BONO Holdings creates Alldays Development (Pty) Ltd, which drives the business under Board Leadership.

Land Size

14200 Hectares



Investment Opportunity Assessment

Wildlife Economy


Core Operations

  • Hunting and hunting value chain
  • Safari and eco-tourism value chain
  • Game meat value chain



Trophy hunting is available on Ammondale Farm - part or all of the hunted animal can be kept as a hunting trophy.
Driven hunting, popular with foreign hunters is available on Braam, Ammondale & Montagu farms.
Biltong hunting is available  on Lauriston fame - primarily local hunters.



Core Operations

  • Harvesting



Mopani worms are harvested when in season.



Core Operations

  • Accommodation
  • Safaris



Ndou Safaris and Baobab Lodge are high-end luxury lodges targeting international and local hunting customers and other tourists. Klipspringer Lodge is a budget facility targeting local tourism and business visitors connected to the mining industry in the area.
A catering service is available for guests.
Camping and game drives are available to guests.



Investment Opportunities


  • Build and develop a Conference centre and Cultural Village Ecotourism activity hub with supporting facilities
  • Develop Vhatwanamba culture homestays and handcraft centre in the hub
  • Improve game ranch infrastructure
  • Build throughput abattoir for game meat
  • Design and Construct a commercial bio industrial facility
  • Invasive alien clearing & beneficiation
  • Improve site infrastructure
  • Training, skills development and capacity building


Investment Requirements


Investment Range Required
R20 million - R50 million

Type of Investment Required
Capital Expenditure
Infrastructure Funding
Working Capital

Funding Type for Financial Requirements
Equity, Debt, Grant

Non-Financial Requirements
Technical services
Capacity building

Value Proposition and Enablers


Value Proposition

  • Site has Biodiversity Stewardship status
  • The site had rich and secure farmland endowed with natural resources
  • The land is community-owned, with no land-related legal disputes
  • Clear corporate governance and legal structures
  • The four farms are in various stages of being declared as Protected Areas
  • The Joint Venture partner is a strong investor with demonstrated capacity to inject capital
  • The site has developed a unique group-hunting product designed for hunters from Europe
  • Proximity to the well-known Mapungubwe World Heritage site
  • Surrounding mines are a captive market for the 3 and 4-star accommodation product
  • The 5-star facility is made available to high-end hunting clientele


Key  Enablers

  • Strong customer network (SA & Europe)
  • Three quality lodges with high occupancy
  • Certification system

Business Operations

Wildlife Economy



Primary Customers


High end and mid-range tourism at three lodges.
The surrounding mines are a captive market for 3 and 4-star accommodation products and the 5-star facility is made available to high-end international hunting clientele.

Active Business Entities


Community Property Association.
Joint Venture partnership between the CPA and BONO Holdings creates Alldays Development (Pty) Ltd, which drives the business under Board Leadership.

About this Opportunity


In 1998, the TSHIVHULA community embarked on a journey towards restitution of lost land - a process that has begun to yield results. To date, land in excess of 20,000 hectares has been restored to the people of Tshivhula, and is owned through a Communal Property Association. With the support of our partners, the transformation journey our people have embarked on will impact the socio-economic standing of the Tshivhula community and protect the natural resources.

A new bioprospecting industry in the northern province of Limpopo is emerging. Actors have focused on systematic modification of traditional uses of commonly available natural resources (such as Bulbine, Aloe Vera, the Marula fruit, bee products, and Mopani worms), for commercial or industrial value. Tshivhula will establish a bio-industrial facility located near the proposed Cultural Village to produce, trade and export indigenous products, such as medicines, industrial enzymes, food flavours, fragrances, cosmetics, colours, extracts and essential oils.  



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