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Existing product or service:
Is there a defined range of nature-based products and services?
Defined customers, consumer or off-taker:
Is there a defined offcustomer base or niche that represents effective demand and sustainable future offtake or sales?
Basic skills :
Are the basic skills to deliver the product or service in place; and committed to undertake regular training and skills development?
Schedule of resources required :
Has a schedule of estimated financial, technical, infrastructural resource needs been prepared?
Viability :
Is the total investment required adequate to achieve financial viability / sustainability?
Scalability :
Can the operations be scaled up or replicated easily in future, in order to increase impact?
Conservation of Biodiversity :
Would investment in this venture contribute towards biodiversity conservation?
Raising environmental knowledge & awareness :
If supported, is the Applicant committed to equip themselves (and others within their communities), with critical environmental conservation skills?
Action for ecological infrastructure :
Does the Applicant demonstrate committment to take action towards the conservation and protection of ecosystems through fire control, flood control, anti-poaching, IAP eradication, etc?
Community impact & Equitable Transformation :
Would investment in this venture promote the transmission of value, wealth, profit or socio-econmic benefit to individuals, households, and communities?
Sustainable Labour and SMME development :
Would investment in the venture promote nature-based job creation, SMME development and value-chain collaboration within its local community?
Gender Mainstreaming & Diversity :
Would investment in this venture promote gender mainstreaming and diversity, or the empowerment of women, youth, and people living with disabilities?
Secure land & premises (ownership or lease) :
Has the Applicant secured appropriate premises or land (whether through ownership or stable lease), or platform from which to undertake the proposed venture ?